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Holistic & Functional Psychology

You are not a diagnosis. When we diagnose someone in our care with a psychiatric illness or personality disorder, we are merely giving a label to a set of observed phenomena. Though labels are useful for the sake of communicating to others or narrowing our information bank, they do not explain the why. Why did this develop? That question is largely ignored and arguably the most important question we should be asking. So you suffer from major depressive episodes? Why? You have social anxiety, generalized anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder? Why? You struggle with attention and impulse control? Why?

You go to a doctor and tell them your symptoms. And they tell you which label seems to fit best. But you don't need a doctor or professional to tell you what to call your experience. You need someone to help you understand the root causes of your illness or discomforts, what functions your symptoms may be serving, and how to manage them.


This is why I created HEAL


Conventional psychology is largely governed by population norms; diagnostic classifications that are somewhat arbitrary and often stigmatizing; pharmaceuticals as the first- and sometimes only- line of treatment; & psychotherapy models that are often narrowly focused and fail to recognize how every individual is part of a larger system. The role of trauma as underlying in many, if not all (in my opinion), psychiatric disorders is frequently overlooked and under-appreciated. Western psychology ignores the role of one's lifestyle such as nutritional intake, physical movement, quality of sleep, and stress tolerance for the development of emotional & behavioral distress and impairments. It neglects the somatic (or body-based) symptoms that patients consistently experience along with their depression, anxiety, or other psychiatric dis-ease.

We are complex beings made of highly intelligent biological and energetic systems that are intricately interconnected. What hurts one system, hurts the others. When injury happens in any one area of our mind or body, the effects will be felt across our entire being like rippling waves. The longer the injury goes untreated, the rougher the waves get. We can no longer pretend that diagnosing someone with depression or anxiety or ADHD and sending them away with a prescription (or three) is good medicine.


I want more for myself. I want more for you.

vision & goals for consultations provided through HEAL

Root-Cause Medicine

Deep-dive investigative approach to understanding your current presentation. Recognize disease & illness are processes rather than time-constricted events.

Assessment & Nurturing of Body, Mind, & Spirit

You will be asked about all aspects of your being because it is all connected. Emotional trauma is often stored in the body and manifests as physical pain or other illness.

Highly Personalized

Multiple & chronic causes of illness necessitate multi-faceted & scaffolded therapeutic interventions & modalities. I will meet you where you are & let you set the pace.

Collaborative Conversations

You are the expert on you. My role is to support your innate healing process through psychoeducation & practical, targeted goals. My ultimate goal is that you feel heard and validated.

Reducing Overreliance on Prescriptions & Polypharmacy

The unpopular truth is most psychiatric illnesses do not respond favorably enough to psychotropic medications to outweigh the multi-system side effects and adverse consequences of long-term use. Through identification & treatment of the root causes, I have helped many patients reduce and/or eliminate prescription usage.

Compassionate, Patient-centered, Trauma-informed Care

I am fervently committed to creating a non-judgmental, compassionate, & safe healing environment. Through nonverbal observations & empathic attunement, I will remain sensitive to your attachment style and wounds and adjust my approach accordingly.

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